Saturday, January 1, 2011

... part 3

There is a Mr. and Mrs. Barn owl!! They sit on top of the dead raintree and romance all day long, i wouldn't want to begin to imagine what they get up to during the nights.
A lot happens on a farm, a lot happened today... but i just don't have the energy to keep typing and thinking. i've yawned about a hundred times till now, keeping my eyes open is just not possible!
to quickly summarize i received a couple of happy new year calls and texts...
- one such friend told me that i should eat something sweet since it's new year and i didn't find anything sweet other than my homeopathic pills... so i popped a couple of them.
- another such call was from a extremely drunk friend, who had two other drunk friends as her built-in echo.
-i also received a couple of sane calls but unfortunately but i was too 'sleepy' to make sense of it
- i saw a peacock
- my dad is coming here tomorrow!
-i want cheese cake
- i can't think of anything else!!
looking forward to 8 hours of sleeeeeeep!

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