A few Clarifications:
1. No, I wasn't forced to be here. I choose to be here.
2. I love my farm, there is nothing that precedes it. My parents very kindly, maybe with selfish intentions now that i think of it, bought me this piece of land last January. Since then i take every opportunity to run off here.
3. No, i will not die of starvation!!! i can cook!* conditions apply
Why farm? well it's always been what i wanted to do, be self sustainable. grow my own stuff (millets, veggies etc! not what you think!). so what better way than to test out if i'm made of this stuff or not than to spend a few solitary days looking after myself and the land! And for someone who's native is Chennai, this place comes as a sigh of relief from all the pollution!( people included)
After a sudden haphazard plan i reached here at 7 in the morning and the first thing i had to do was clean the bathroom! cobwebs!!! I was reminded of the many character building vacations Calvin had to endure.
I washed my clothes, contemplated and found the perfect place to dry it.
Then i walked around the farm scanning for edible things, saw a couple of mushrooms, but decided to pass, plucked a some brinjals and chillis and a papaya.
I decided to make sambar, because it's hard to screw up( but i did anyway, i made it too watery) I went to the local 'shop' and bought cabbage because again it's easy to make. Thank jeebus for electric cooker or i would have been fumbled by the water/ rice ratio!
I was sitting near the wash area when i saw two long strips of white cloth (about a foot long) caught on a branch. It was moving very obnoxiously for strips of cloth!!
I implemented one of my bright spark idea of a lime and papaya patch. Hopefully they'll compliment eachother and grow, lime is slow growing and the papaya is fast growing which means it'll shed more leaves and fertilize the lime and the lime for it's part will shield the papaya from the wind and rain as it's a slow growing deciduous tree! =| , hopefully my theory will stand good.
Tonight's dinner is going to be instant noodles fosho! thank god for that invention.
List of things iForgot to bring
- shampoo! ( i have the conditioner! =\)
- mosquito repellent ( i really need this!)
- Disc (Frisbee)
- torch
- umbrella
- rolling paper =((
- chocolates
Second last day of this year wasn't too bad.
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