Friday, December 31, 2010

Last day of the Year

I've started and restarted this particular piece around 10 times, yet there seems to be no cooler way of narrating today events.

The Lady next door was nice enough to offer me lunch and dinner today, so i took a break from cooking. Most of today went by in pointless thought, i was thinking about why people write.., why i choose to show it to people, why i write, what inspires me etc etc.. as you can guess this took a lot of time. I guess Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs stands tested.

Today i had a staring competition with a Barn Owl, the owl won! only because it doesn't use the toilet when it has to pee. I also thought about how the owl would have perceived me and how i would like it to perceive me. Clearly i had a lot of time on my hands.

I relocated a couple of plants as they were taking up too much space next to the water path and the smaller plants needed the sunlight ( not really...i was bored). Then i was sitting next to the wash area drinking Elani while a crow decided to test it's tolerance. It would hop very close to me then get scared and hop a feet feet away. This occurred more than a couple of times, before i realised that it was New Year eve! and i was all alone with a crow for entertainment and a barn owl which is more naturally suited for staring than me.

After a momentary period of panic, which lasted for an hour... i decided to make up for the loss of my rolling paper. Creating and theorizing is so much fun, no wonder so many people do it! i will soonly find out the ratio of joy when it works practically. =P

On a final note, being with friends/family, getting sloshed etc is a lot of fun, but i don't really regret being away and getting annoyed by the chirpy-ness of the babblers or squirrels during the day and the frogs and crickets during the night.

No. of centipedes killed since yesterday : 6 and a half. (try crawling closer to the corners so that people don't step on you!)
No. of moths : 1
No. of bronze/black skinks almost killed : 1 (will upload picture asap)

To all the things that fought a brave battle against my unconscious legs RIP.

Happy 2011!

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Sangeetha's shin-nen Countdown!

Most people i know are making gigantic plans for New Year's eve. Some have night long parties, others are meeting up at friend's places/beach houses etc, etc. A few ambitious ones intend to party hop. While most people prepare to bring in the new year with friends/ family and significant others, i buzzed off to my farm, 750 kms from my habitat(Chennai) for 4 days all alone.

A few Clarifications:
1. No, I wasn't forced to be here. I choose to be here.
2. I love my farm, there is nothing that precedes it. My parents very kindly, maybe with selfish intentions now that i think of it, bought me this piece of land last January. Since then i take every opportunity to run off here.
3. No, i will not die of starvation!!! i can cook!* conditions apply

Why farm? well it's always been what i wanted to do, be self sustainable. grow my own stuff (millets, veggies etc! not what you think!). so what better way than to test out if i'm made of this stuff or not than to spend a few solitary days looking after myself and the land! And for someone who's native is Chennai, this place comes as a sigh of relief from all the pollution!( people included)

After a sudden haphazard plan i reached here at 7 in the morning and the first thing i had to do was clean the bathroom! cobwebs!!! I was reminded of the many character building vacations Calvin had to endure.

I washed my clothes, contemplated and found the perfect place to dry it.

Then i walked around the farm scanning for edible things, saw a couple of mushrooms, but decided to pass, plucked a some brinjals and chillis and a papaya.
I decided to make sambar, because it's hard to screw up( but i did anyway, i made it too watery) I went to the local 'shop' and bought cabbage because again it's easy to make. Thank jeebus for electric cooker or i would have been fumbled by the water/ rice ratio!

I was sitting near the wash area when i saw two long strips of white cloth (about a foot long) caught on a branch. It was moving very obnoxiously for strips of cloth!!

I later found out it was the Paradise Fly Catcher thanks to anjana and google images. i walked behind the bird, often in circles, trying to get a clear picture.

I implemented one of my bright spark idea of a lime and papaya patch. Hopefully they'll compliment eachother and grow, lime is slow growing and the papaya is fast growing which means it'll shed more leaves and fertilize the lime and the lime for it's part will shield the papaya from the wind and rain as it's a slow growing deciduous tree! =| , hopefully my theory will stand good.

Tonight's dinner is going to be instant noodles fosho! thank god for that invention.

List of things iForgot to bring

- shampoo! ( i have the conditioner! =\)
- mosquito repellent ( i really need this!)
- Disc (Frisbee)
- torch
- umbrella
- rolling paper =((
- chocolates

Second last day of this year wasn't too bad.

Monday, June 14, 2010

attempt to write again.

Everytime i start writing i abandon it. does it mean i
have nothing to say? has the education system finally got the better of me??! i think i take the easy way out. it's easy if you don't express you don't have to spend time trying to prove anything. The blank
...façade helps, no one knows what you are actually feeling inside. It gives me a sense of power to know what the other person is thinking. When I finally found a way to blend in... the blanket around me is being whipped away, I feel the cold wind again.

Nothing to worry about I’m sitting here, sandy sweating,
and feeling guilty for a mistake I might
have made which decided the fate of others. When the emotion subdues the façade
will be back.


i'm bored. i give up. it'll be easier if i don't struggle. i can't put up with the constant fighting. i'll be just another seed stored away without exploiting my potential to grow. if i never become anything, then they can't be blamed right??