Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Plight of the College Going Girl

a new transition, a new change, a new environment (!!!!), and a new oppertunity to supposedly prove myself. this is also supposed to be the most important step i take into my life.this decision of mine is going to govern the path the rest of my life is going to take. freaky isn't it? like Led Zeppelin sang " Yes, there are two paths you can go byBut in the long run Theres still time to change the road youre on".
School to college... so many differences, getting picked on for my casualness and me posture which oozes 'disrespect' to the teacher( apparently). getting up everytime and chorusing a 'good morning' or ' thank you'. apparently what you put on is more important than what you are.
THe old speaker in every room that crackles to life in the mornings to tell us a moralistic story and ends with a prayer. the canteen hit by waves of girls during break time.
the least expected surprise which hit me really hard, are my english classes. this surprise is not good surprise! the classes are pathetic. We did "Cabulliwalah for god's sake and my teacher asks the meanings for every word in the story, like prattle and sturdy!!!!!! Seriously if they were gonna randomly put us into some "English for dummies" class, why did they make us write that stupid essay about some life changing experience.

English is one of my biggest problems, the other one is my HOD but anyway. i feel dumbed down because of the class. Not even a blackcurrant iced tea or a cold coffee can fix this brain damage. the worst she makes weird noises... like when she is explaining a hissing sound or the slashing of water????
For someone who has been doing Shakespeare since class 10 this is hell. i never thought i'd ever say this but something more advanced is needed!!!

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Revelations by the Lazy One

Revelation 1 - Yes I'm Lazy!
Well most of you who know me a little might not think I'm lazy, here is to prove me right.

i don't finish most of the things i start! Eg. recently an senior of mine with all due respect and good intention asked me if i would and could write an article for her on what is organic!. you might ask why her,but I'm considered an somewhat expertise at this subject due to a very extensive Environmental Science(E.S) project i did in my last year at school. Back to the point, it's saved on my external hard-disk with tattered hopes of completion someday. ( for my sake i hope it's soon!!! SORRY SAM!!!)

i push my chores (and i'm not talking about household stuff here) till the last minute possible that i even loose out on some
opportunities... fine i'll say it don't nag me I still haven't applied to any college!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!(i am not sure these exclamations are enough to show the hullabaloo) i plan to do this on monday. i postpone every thing from doing my laundry, to going somewhere.
i should tell you that the the only things i don't postpone are: eating :) , laughing, reading, sitting in front of my computer, and watching stuff. You would have been surprised because i didn't list physical activity or games above... cause you and i know i love playing. the thing is i can't get myself to do anything regularly... (Now tell me how sad am i???? )
Till date there is not one assignment ( except for my chem records once and my e.s work) i have submitted before due date.

Consistency is just not in my dictionary. i don't stick to schedules. i don't have an agenda. i don't plan. irregularity seems to be my sleep and wake up routine.

So looking back at the past four years of my life i can see i have gone from lil lazy to completely drowing in lazyness... and here is to change and people who are trying to get a grip of their life; trying to be independant; trying to change and trying to get into a decent college ;P

this is more of ranting isn't it????


P.S there are has been a couple af very concerning issues i've been wanting to write about for the past two days... will do it asap!! :D keep reading and enjoy